Monday, July 11
Anchorage - Day 3

Today was mostly a free day. At 9:00 we carpooled to the Alaska Native Heritage Center to tour and our own leisure. We arrived just as 4 young people were talking about native games that they play that help sharpen their skills in the wilderness. The main speaker for the group explained that when a hunter is hunting seal on the ice, he may find that the ice is broken due to currents below the ice. Consequently, it may be necessary to jump from one piece of ice to another. The inability to do this may mean that he would end up in the water and that would probably mean certain death. The different native Indian tribes - there are basically 4 of them - compete in games that test these different skills. The first was a jump similar to the triple-jump in track and field. Another game tested the ability to walk on your knuckles and toes only. The record for this competition is over 160 ft. A third game involved squatting on the floor with one arm tucked back by the thigh. First you slowly lift yourself off the floor and maintain you balance on one hand. Next you pivot up and kick a ball that is suspended up to 6 ft. off the floor. You end up going from a crouched position to both feet high above you head while maintaining your balance on that one hand.
The women's world record holder was there to demonstrate. Her record is 5 ft. 10 in. They explained that every two years the Arctic circle nations gather for the Arctic Olympics and compete in these and other events.
After this demonstration a group of dancers came in and performed different tribal dances and songs.
We returned to the RV Park and got ready for our night out on the town. A few weeks ago we had a lottery for tickets to the "Fat Whale Follies." This is a satirical comedy show that makes fun of Alaska, Alaskan politics, news in general, and about anything else you could think of. It is advertised as the show that the Alaskan Convention Bureau doesn't want you to see. Anyway, Carole had access to a limited number of tickets and we held a lottery to see who would get to go. Jenna was the first name picked and we got our choice of seats. About 25 in our group got to go to the show that was held in a nightclub in a seedy part of Anchorage. The club was very very crowded and our seats were at the back on the side of the stage. We could see fairly well if we wanted to see the performers sides only. The strictly played to those directly in front of them - but how can I complain? Seats were only $11. It was a pretty entertaining show and would have been more so if we knew more about Alaskan politics and political leaders.
We got back to the trailer about 9:45 and I am soooo tired. I know that tomorrow is an early call, so I am going to bed early. We leave for Homer in the morning about 9:00 so I plan to get a good night's sleep. I let you in on the trip to Homer tomorrow. Till then - Happy trails.
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