Tuesday, July 26
On the Road to Skagway
It rained all night last night and we awoke to fog and drizzle. Everyone was eager to get started. Art and Jill had some help from others on the caravan and got the hole in their radiator patched. The patch seemed to be holding so they left early to try to get help in Whitehorse - 150 miles away. Gene and Marge discovered that their air filter was blocked so they left with Art and Jill to pursue a new air filter. Robert and I set out about 8:00 and I stopped at the only station in town for fuel. I pumped and Jenna went inside to pay. I hollered in to and told her how much it cost - $68.21. She paid and we started down the road. As she was entering the amount in our checkbook she noticed that we'd been charged $100.01. I made a quick turn around and we went back to the station. On the way I started getting calls on the CB to come back. As it turned out the guy next to me at the station got $100.01 and the clerk mixed them up. The other guy needed a correct receipt to be reimbursed by his company so he wanted me back too. We got it all straight and we finally headed out about 8:30.
The road today was much improved over yesterday. There were only three or four red flags and they weren't even bumpy. The only problem today was the fog and rain. It rained almost the entire 260 miles! As we started out, we were following the shoreline of Kluane Lake.
This is the lake that the construction camp blew into back in 1942. This lake is the 2nd largest lake in Canada. It has two arms that come off the main body of the lake. One arm stretches 50 miles north while the other goes over 25 miles east. The main body of the lake goes 25 miles west of Destruction Bay. It is one huge lake!! Anyway, we followed the shoreline east for 25 miles and then circled around and went back west for 10 or more miles before circling back to the east. We had to go around some mighty tall mountains on the way. We couldn't even see the tops of the mountains because of the fog and low hanging clouds.
We finally got to Whitehorse about noon and headed down to the Klondike Highway. Beautiful Emerald Lake was the first stopping point on the Klondike Highway.
It is a small lake set down in a valley - very pretty. It was another 100 miles to Skagway. This road is a scenic highway and I'm sure it would have been, but again the fog and rain kept us from too many good views. We did see the world's smallest desert outside Carcross.
Tomorrow is a free day! YEA!!! I hope I can sleep a little later than normal. I'd like to go to Dyea, a ghost town where the Chilkoot Trail began. When prospectors came in search of gold in the 1890's, many came to Skagway. One way to the Klondike was to go on the Chilkoot Trail. The Canadian government required that all prospectors come adequately supplied to last them 1 year. In all each prospector had to transport of 2000 lbs of goods up the Chilkoot Trail, an almost vertical path, up the mountains in into the Yukon Territory. they were denied entrance if the failed to bring the correct supplies. Pictures show a whole line of men packing goods up the mountain. I want to go take a few steps up the trail. Tomorrow is also the day that Jenna and I go ziplining - that should be a blast!! I'll be sure to blog some pictures.
Of course Skagway is a haven for cruise ships. There were four in port today, so the whole town was crawling with people from the ships. Tomorrow will be the same way.
We have lots planned for our 4 days in Skagway. Keep reading the blog to see what we are up to. Till then - Happy trails!!
Note: Today;s pics are a little fuzzy due to fog and rain. Maybe tomorrow's will be better.
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