Friday, July 29
A Free Day in Skagway
Finally we woke up to no rain and fog; it was actually a semi-clear day with temperatures in the low 60's. The Wagonmasters and Tailgunners had prepared breakfast for us, so we all gathered about 8:00 to eat. Jenna and I put in 3 loads of laundry to wash while we ate. What we had for breakfast was pretty unique. They gave each of us a 1 quart zip-lock bag.
We opened the bag and Ken broke two eggs into the bag. Then we added onions, green peppers, jalopinos, tomatoes to our liking and sealed the bag while squeezing all air out. We wrote our name on the front of the bag with vis-a-vis marker and dropped it into a pot of boiling water. Twelve minutes later we had a freshly cooked omelet! Add to that bacon, toast or biscuits, orange juice and coffee and you have the makin's of a good breakfast. We all sat around outside and enjoyed our breakfast and good conversation.
Following breakfast we were invited to Ron and Cindy's motorhome to watch a movie Cindy had made about the bears we saw in Valdez. She had taken loads of pictures of the bears and loaded them onto a Smilebox program that allows captions and music to be added. Forty-two adults stood outside their motorhome and watched and laughed at the hilarious movie and the comments Cindy had added. We had already seen a video about our white-water rafting trip, and she has made others about our cruise in Valdez and our journey in Denali National Park. She is one talented lady.
At 12:30 we carpooled down to the White Pass and Yukon Route railroad station. Thirty-four of our group opted to take a 3 hour roundtrip ride up the trail to the pass where prospectors walked as they made their way to the Yukon in 1898 in search of gold.
We had one whole car for our group.
The train ride is 20.4 miles up and the track rises 3000 ft. on the way. It was an uphill climb the entire way, and at times the last car was at least 25' above or below the engine. The ride reminded Jenna and me of the Durango/Silverton trainride in Colorado. The track was right on the edge of a mountain ledge most of the way, and we had scenic views of the mountains and valleys leading away from Skagway. At one point we looked about a mile across the valley and up to another train that was ahead of us. That train looked like it was just hanging onto the side of the mountain before it entered into a long tunnel.
Cindy and Ron didn't go on the trainride and instead stayed back and fixed dinner for Roni, Bruce, Bet, Robert, Jenna and me. We went to their motorhome for dinner and drinks. Cindy is a talented lady on the computer and in the kitchen. She fixed a chicken casserole, slaw, and a fruit salad. Roni brought bread and Jenna took a cake. We celebrated Bet's birthday in style even if it was a day late. Ron, not to be outdone, "received" another proclaimation from the Skagway Traffic Department. It read as follows:
To: Gilbert Hall of Corisana, (about 1/2 the size of Alaska) Texas (note they can't even spell Corsicana)
You are hereby cited for not surrendering your Junior/Senior Ranger Status to the proper authorities as directed by the magistrate.
This direction was a result of the traffic violation of Wednesday, the 37th of July, 2011, and issued on said date.
As a result of your complete disregard for this office and the office of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, and the Governor's
office, formerly occupied by Sarah Palen, you are put on notice.
Pending further investigation into your background, and a thorough search of your Red Chevy Pickup, this official agency will determine
the penalty to further impose. AT a minimum, you will be asked to leave the viallage of Skagway, and the great State of Alaska by
9:00 am, Saturday, the 31st of July, 2011
Now, as a result of your misbehavior, your wagonmaster has commenced his own investigation into your conduct. He has determined that
you have wiolated two vital and important items of protocall:
1) in your complete inattention to the Travel Briefings, and
2) for arriving at a campsite 2 minutes before the scheduled and appointed time.
These violations usually result in your being put into the worst parking spot in the park, with no view and no possible way of backing
into said spot.
These violations are issued by this jurisdiction.
The honorable Chief Justice SOAPY SMITH
Ron will not rest until I lose my Jr. Ranger status!!
After dinner we again carpooled downtown to the Days of '98 show. Prior to the show we were given $1,000 in play money to use in the casino. Actors from the play we were to see later served as dealers and they wanted us to be happy so that we would like the show. The blackjack rules were very lax - even to the point that if we all wanted the dealer to throw in her hand because she got a 21 and would have beat us all, she would do it. I won one hand and upped my bet from $200 to $700 as she was paying the first few people on the table. I ended up winning more than anyone on the table - $24,000. Too bad it was just play money.
The show was about Soapy Smith, a con-man who swindled many in Skagway out of money. It was a musical with just 4 actors - Soapy Smith, and three women who ran the local bar and brothel. They got one of our caravaners up on stage and got him involved - two of the "girls" fighting over his affections. They also got two women from our group up to help them do the can-can. It was a hoot!!
We got back home about 10:00 and I worked on the blog until about 11:30 when the computer quit on me. Tomorrow we go to Northern Beaver Post in the Yukon Territory for a one-night stay. There probably won't be much to report, but we'll see. Till then - Happy Trails.
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