First is our wagonmaster, Ken and Carole Adams from Washington. Ken was a college professor and ran a planetarium in Oakland Ca. Carole worked for the state. They are full time RVers.
Next is our tailgunner, Spence and Madi Schaff from Nevada. They are also fulltimers.
Jill and Art Speire are from New York. Art was a home builder and Jill was a housewife. Art does chainsaw carvings of bears and they run a beach in upper New York during the summer.
J.W. and Mary Jo from Louisiana are the youngest members of our caravan. He is a retired farmer.
Bet and Robert Delcuz are from Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. They were wiped out by Hurricane Katrina and had to live in their RV for 18 months. Robert worked for NASA and the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi. They tested all rocked motors.
We do a lot with Robert and Bet.
Carl and Chris Finley are from North Carolina. Carl is retired Navy. Chris reminds us of Pat Goodman in every way. She talks like her, looks like her, and acts liker her. What a hoot!
Thursday, June 16
Day 8
Today was mainly a travel day. We traveled from Valemount, British Columbia to Prince George, British Columbia; a distance of 185 miles. Diesel is a little higher in B.C. It is from $1.20 - $1.28 per liter. At the high end that figures out to be about $4.60 per gallon. Prince George is a large city with all the amenities. It even has a Super Wal-Mart!!
The drive here was pretty unremarkable - if beautiful scenery can be unremarkable. We crossed the Canadian Rockies and entered mainly rolling farmland. The tailgunner told us about a stop 140 miles into the drive - Purdin Lake Resort - that served the best pie you could ever eat. Everyone on the caravan decided to make a stop there, and we decided that each of us should buy Spence, the tailgunner, a piece of blackberry pie. Everyone was looking forward to the stop; we were practically drooling as we reached mile 140. As Jenna and I pulled in we noticed 11 other RV's from our group were already there. Much to our dismay, the Purdin Lake Resort will not open for the season until tomorrow! What a disappointment! Everybody went back to their RV and fixed a picnic lunch which we ate at the tables in front of the closed establishment. Robert, Bet, Jenna and I were the last to leave and as we were going to our trailers, Spence and Madi pulled in. I wish you could have seen the look of Spence's face when we told him they were closed. He went around back, talked to some workmen, and I'll be darned if they didn't get him a piece of pie. We all gave him a hard time at social this afternoon. Jenna and I did see a black bear mama with one cub. They were just about to cross the road as we went by so we didn't get a picture. Maybe next time.
The RV park we are in is very crowded and the RV's are squeezed in together. Everyone came to social this afternoon to greet three new couples who will join us for the remainder of the trip. We all had a great time laughing and sharing stories about our trip and the failed pie run.
We didn't take many pictures today so I thought I would share pictures of some of our caravan compadres.
I'll add some more of our new friends in days to come.
Tomorrow is an off day. We stay here with no activities planned. They next day we travel to Dawson Creek. Til next time, Happy Trails!
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