Which tree do you want us to bring home for you?
Too many Christmas trees to count. They're everywhere.
Beautiful flowers in the park.
More flowers
More flowers
People getting dinner at the Pot Luck. So much food, such small plates.
Gene, Jill, Art, Marge, Mary Jo, J.W.
Beverly, Dick, Mary, Chris, Roni
Playing cornhole with Roni.
Tossing washers with Jill.
My truck with the rock guard.
Friday,June 16
Day 9
Today was a day to rest! We didn't have any scheduled activities and we didn't travel anywhere unless we wanted to. We slept in - 7:00 - had a leisurely breakfast, and enjoyed the beautiful morning. It was about 55 degrees when we woke up but it warmed to near 80 by afternoon. Since we did our grocery shopping yesterday we took a trip to two parks in Prince George. The parks here are beautiful. The first one was Callaugh Hill Park. You drove up a winding road to reach the top only to find an immaculately manicured park with freshly planted flowerbeds. You could get a good look at Prince George from the top. Spring has only recently reached this part of Canada. Flowers have been freshly planted in the last few days in beautifully groomed beds. Next we went to Prince George Fort park. Like the first, it was immaculately groomed with freshly planted beds. Flowers are everywhere in this town. The lightposts along the roads have hanging baskets; even the gas station I went to had baskets hanging around the pumps.
We came back to the trailer for lunch. Jenna prepared our dish for the pot-luck this evening and I assembled the rock guard for our pickup. Everyone in the campground was busy getting their rigs ready for the remainder of our trip. Apparently the roads from here on out can have some rocks, frost-heaves, lots of construction, gravel and dirt, so we are doing what we can to protect our vehicles. I still need to put some padding on the front of the lower part of the trailer. Maybe while in Dawson Creek.
After our travel briefing at 4:00, we had a pot-luck dinner. Everyone brought a dish and it was amazing to see that other than 2 potato salads, there were not duplications. Lots of good food. The weather cooperated and the park owner moved in 8-10 picnic tables. Following dinner we played Cornhole. Cornhole is throwing a corn-filled bag at a target board about 30' away. You score points if you get it into the hole - thus "Cornhole." We also threw washers. Each player had 3 large washed and they threw them about 10' at a board with 3 holes in it. The holes we just a little larger than the washers. You got 1, 3 or 5 points depending on which hole the washer went into. Mel and I took on Roni and Bruce it a cut-throat game. It was hysterical. You had to score exactly 21. If you scored more than 21 you dropped back to 11. I don't know how many we went over 21 and dropped back. We had a blast playing. Fortunately, Mel and I won. We feared that we might have a riot like they did in Vancouver if we had lost!!
Update on the pie drama from yesterday: Spence and Madi did get two pies from the Purden Lake Resort - a cherry and apple. They brought them to the pot-luck. Very good pie!!
It was a great day today. We rested, played and had a really fun time tonight at the pot-luck. We leave early tomorrow for a 256 mile drive to Dawson Creek. We stop at 1:30 in Chetwynd to take a walking tour of the Chainsaw Sculpturing Capital of the World. That should be interesting. Till next time - Happy Trails!!
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